
Parents are welcome to watch class each week.
Any type of athletics clothing can be worn to class.


There is a $35 yearly member fee per student

Ages 6 & up (1 hour classes) for 8 weeks
$361 for two classes a week
$190 for one class a week

Ages 1-6 (45 or 35 min. classes) for 8 weeks
$319.20 for two classes a week
$168 for one class a week

Current Billing Cycle

The classes run year round. Tuition is paid in 8 week billing cycles

NOW-March 1st

If there is room in the class students can start right away and be prorated into the rest of the current billing cycle.
Those currently enrolled will get the chance to register for the following billing cycle before we open their spots up to students on the waiting list.

gymnastics rochester ny